The Insurance Man is an insurance agency that is independent, which means we work for you, not the insurance companies we represent. If you’re looking for auto insurance Glenside, PA drivers trust, we have you covered.
We help people like you find the auto insurance coverage you need by comparing rates from multiple companies like Travelers, Progressive, Hartford, Safeco, Nationwide and more. We're open five days a week for your convenience. For a FREE quote,
call (215) 392-9678 or use our
online form.
Company rates can vary by hundreds and sometimes even thousands of dollars. One company will always be more affordable than the others, which is why we compare quotes among them to save you money. We work with some companies that are only looking to insure drivers who have good driving records. However, we represent other companies that specialize in insuring drivers that may have had multiple accidents, tickets, a DUI, or no current insurance. Regardless of your driving history, we treat everyone with respect and we will shop among our companies to find you the best rates so you can save money!
Call (215) 392-9678 for your FREE quote today.
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